Bloomberg BusinessWeek: Health BOM is an item, the "much less attention and political heat than other parts of the White House plan to medical coverage to 32 million uninsured Americans extend generated has."The measure requires the USA aside 500 million US $ or more a year for something called "comparative effectiveness research," hopes an ungainly name for a process, the Obama costs wird.Die studies, developed, what drugs, devices and medical treatments work best show had enormous impact on the provision of health care in the years drugs and heart stents everything from cholesterol hospital procedure examination.
"Statistics-driven research methods, said its drastic, comparative effectiveness promises to bring scientific strict to medical decision making is often affected by tradition and marketing" (Nussbaum, Tirrell, changer and Randall, 3 / 24).
Bloomberg BusinessWeek in a separate article: "comparative effectiveness is expected to be ' a well for the health care industry, ' Boston-based analyst"
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