AngioScore Announces 510 (k) distance from the market AngioSculpt scoring balloon catheter for renal information

AngioScore, Inc., a developer of innovative angioplasty catheters for use in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, announced that the company 510(k) distance from the US and Drug Administration (FDA) to its AngioSculpt ® PTA scoring balloon catheter market has received for dilation of lesions in renal arteries.
AngioScore had clearance 510(k) previously AngioSculpt device of dilation of lesions in the iliaca, Femoral, Illio femoralis, poplitea and infrared of poplitea arteries and for the treatment of obstructive lesions native or synthetic arterio dialysis fistulae the market erhalten.Diese new 510(k)-Abstand adds renal arteries specified use for statement.
According to Gary Gershony, m.d, AngioScore of the Chief Medical Officer, AngioSculpt in renal artery of stenotic disease treatment can often medically refractory hypertension or a serious deterioration in the kidney function assigned is especially be useful: "because of the frequency of major calcification and the ostial location of present these lesions renal arteries interventionelle a unique challenge for the doctor caring for these patients."
"" The design of the AngioSculpt is especially useful in treatment of resistant Fibro calcific lesions and accurate device deployment in the ostial location by eliminating of slippage zulassen.Die AngioSculpt be should be a very welcome addition to the armamentarium of doctors, the treatment of renal artery stenosis, "," said Dr. Gershony.
"" We are very pleased to have received this important 510(k) clearance,","said Thomas R. Trotter, President and CEO of AngioScore."Sales AngioSculpt devices for the treatment of peripheral artery disease (PAD) have grown rapidly and now renal is contain arteries a major positive development for the Unternehmen.PAD is a worldwide with more than two million annual procedure to the fastest growing segments of the Endovaskuläre market, including a estimated 300,000 renal intervention."
AngioSculpt scoring balloon catheter is the next generation in angioplasty catheters dar.Seine innovative nitinol scoring element provides unique anti-slipping properties when circumferentially dilating plaque, precise and predictable dilation across a wide range of lesion offers versatility and efficiency of a new technology with simplicity and deliverability a high-power balloon catheter types bereitstellen.Die AngioSculpt.
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