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Medical technology's site score

We provide site score button on the right bottom (sidebar) for medical technology blog rating.
We are also not Web log Designer, but this is a great tool for Web development, especially beginners as we.
Site score is a free tool which rates how well designed, is popular and accessible to its website.
On site score can try a PUT, your blog address from Web on the line and press you gestartet.Warten a second and here our goal our assessment review durch.Wenn, find you one cache version of us.Lead registration login and check whether the site.

As well marketed and popular is the Website.(3.3)
We started only here.But incoming links and page rankings are not number one for uns.Blogging for sharing and learning content, with unique and high-quality as long as we can.

How well developed and is the Website.(8.6)
Perhaps related to CSS (cascading style sheet) and XHTML (eXtended HyperText Markup Language) Validierung.Verwenden free Blogger, we can not all aspects control for navigation and comment which usually not valid form.

What is the website especially for people with Behinderungen.(8.3)
Perhaps we should check our blog with Lynx browser, so that all text perfectly crawled können.Denken, use ALT tags for images, title tag, and reduce script JavaScript.

As satisfying the website be probable.(9.2)
Causing high score by regular posting, we think.

Visitors, the evaluation
Votes by users with IP detection.

Good / bad points
Warning point: less incoming links find in (rarely visited; not popular Google), not valid XHTML (violation of the UK Disability Discrimination Act)
Excellent point: very fast to respond, the correct use of modern technology (tableless)

Detailed breakdown
Proper use makes the title, headings, meta tags, sending all search engines and the applicable free directories.

Rating Summary (0.3 / 10) height of Text.Verwenden we not Flash regularly.

Rating Summary (2.4 / 10) incoming Links.Wir must build later this (at least 40 links to a particular site).

Rating Summary (6.2 / 10) British legal Anforderungen.Ja the valid yet (Blogger classic problems).

Rating Summary (6.7 / 10) using Stylesheets.Ja we use a valid external CSS, with the exception of blogger navigation.

Page size: small and should quickly anzeigen.Palette of 27 k - 42 k in Größe.Ja small enough.

Rating Summary (8.7 / 10) Speed.Ihre website reacts in 0.64 seconds and their home in 1.04 seconds heruntergeladen.Dies is very schnell.Ja great for users.

Rating Summary (9.3 / 10) features (Search Setup, RSS feed, site map, discussion forums).

And we have no use of frames, wide use of forms 10 reviews for each, tableless, use basic HTML tags and DOCTYPE (XHTML 1.0 Transtitional, the most kind of Web technology), preferred icon, no flashing or scrolling text (marquee), proper fonts (we think is the best choice for screen reader and small font Arial or sans serif), free no Flash, no advertising keywords, no redirects, fewer pictures (10/pages), view spam blocker, enough feinen number of links per page (65,0), no audio for page title.

We knew in medical we have HONcode ( we are anonymous, so it would be difficult.)
This documentation is important for the next Bewertung.Wir experiences are lernen.Wir hope from everyone that this tool medical technology website will help in the future more better.
Waiting for the next release of site score...Label: Blog design, medicine, medical technology, site score
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