A medical technologist is a professional in the healthcare division who performs different analytic tests on the body fluids like stool, blood, septum, cerebrospinal fluid, urine, synovial fluid, peritoneal fluid and pericardial fluid. The physical therapists are considered as the most important members of the health care services. Their main tasks include treating and helping the patients after accidents, injuries or diseases. They help the patient's in restoring their bodily functions relieving them from pain, improving their mobility as a result of physical disabilities caused due to the diseases. They also play a vital role in maintaining and restoring the overall health and fitness of the patient and his body.
Medical technologists perform their work in laboratories that may be attached to the doctor's office, hospitals, within a biotechnology industry or reference laboratories. The physical therapist perform their work in rehabilitation centers, private practices, clinics, hospitals, adult daycare programs, nursing homes wellness centers and also visit the schools.
The medical technologist student has to attend three year classroom courses and one year of clinical rotations for experience the first hand learning experience in every laboratory. This combination is termed as 3+1 program. The medical technologist gets a bachelors degree in Clinical Laboratory Science that is certified from a accredited training institute. The physical therapists have to give a licensed exam after their graduation before starting their practice. The physical therapist has to continue their education even after getting the license for maintaining their license.
For treating the patients, the medical technologist first analyzes the samples of the human fluids using different techniques like bone marrow counts, blood cell differentials, analysis with the help of advanced equipments and microscopy. The medical technologist assist the nurses and doctors for selecting the appropriate lab tests, handling the specimens and interpreting the results. The physical therapist will first examine the medical history of the patient. Then, they will test the balance, strength, range of motions, co-ordination, motor functioning, etc. Depending on this, he will plan a treatment program for rehabilitating the patient. They may use techniques like hot packs, ultra sounds, electrical stimulation, cold compresses, and deep-tissue massage for treating the patient.