Most lawyers out there deal with medical malpractice with physicians, but there is also another way in Texas that you can deal with malpractice, and that's with the malpractice done by another attorney. This is good news for those of you who don't feel your case was taken very seriously, and there was more that could have been done. A medical malpractice attorney in Texas can make sure you are taken care of in all areas of the medical malpractice, and not just with the doctors themselves.
This Type of Medical Malpractice is Actually Considered Legal Malpractice
You would want to consider this type of medical malpractice attorney in Texas, if you have had to deal with attorney negligence. This can happen in any area of the law, and can take many forms, like simple negligence, gross negligence, negligence, breach of contract, breach of duty, fraud and any violations that occur with the Texas Deceptive Trade Practices Act.
Damage in medical law suits can take place when a lawyer misses the statute of limitations and fails to conduct and respond to discovery and fails to designate experts or proper witnesses. Another thing they can do is put someone's else's needs above yours, including their own. With a medical malpractice attorney in Texas, they have to be able to create documents and agreements without ay type of errors. When errors are found within the documents, you can lose your medical malpractice suit.
Not every lawyer is good at knowing the law, believe it or not, and this can be a problem for your case. If they fail to get your consent or inform you of certain situations, you are likely to be passing up a judgment in your behalf. Not to mention, procrastination can be a major problem when it comes to an attorney making wrong or unwise decisions with the case.
A medical malpractice attorney in Texas knows it is important to properly discover and investigate the situation, and when there are problems, they mostly occur in the administrative end. If they don't follow your personal rules or guidelines, and don't properly know when to withdraw, they are creating a conflict of interest.
How Long Do You Have In Texas To File A Malpractice Case?
The general rule of thumb is that for a legal malpractice case to be brought to court, it has to be within two years of the time you are injured or found out about the injury. There are some extreme situations that can change this part of the law, you should follow this rule and get a medical malpractice lawyer in Texas.