Job profile for medical technologists describes the kind of a job you are looking for; ultimately it is destination for the job seeker. Medical technologist is emerging profession, it has a promising future. The job of medical technologists is to discover the presence or absence of disease and provide the data that is helpful in determining the best treatment for the patient.
Clinical laboratory technicians (CLT) or medical technicians the correlate degree professionals whereas clinical laboratory scientists (CLS) or popularly known as Medical technologists are bachelor degreed professionals. Much of the laboratory work is same for both. The job profile for medical te4chnologist is similar to that of CLTs, but because of the sound theoretical knowledge of MTs, they perform more advance testing such as molecular diagnosing.
The usual qualification for any entrance level position like clinical laboratory technologists is a bachelor's degree with a major medical technology in any one of the life sciences. However, a combination of education, on the job or a specialized training also guarantees the required qualification necessary for this post. Most of the universities and hospitals offer medical technology seminars or courses.
The job profile for medical technologist specifies the importance of a bachelor's degree program in medical technology that involves courses in chemistry, biological sciences, microbiology, statistics and mathematics. Many specialized courses designed to developing knowledge ability that can be put to use in clinical laboratories are also included in the course curriculum. Many short term programs offer the required courses in management, business and computer applications.
The job profile for medical technologist can be very well understood if you consider the experiences of the people who are working in this field since years. There are number of different profiles for this job they are categorized according to the type of area you are working, it may be clinical lab technician in hospital, medical librarian in health science library, DMD in public health dental clinic.
The job in medical technology offers a demanding and worthwhile career. Medical technologists are employed in hospitals, private clinical laboratories, public health agencies, research and forensic laboratories, educational institutions, pharmaceutical companies, industrial medical and biomedical laboratories, blood banks, physician office laboratories. In addition to the laboratory positions, you will have many profiles in management, technical sales, instrument service, teaching as well as medical writing and many.