Medical industry does not involve only health practices and treatments of the diseases. Medical technologists should be very keen about personal hygiene. Medical technologist and infections have an indirect relation. Carelessness of a technologist may invite infections and it can be very dangerous to the health care workers and the patients.
The infection control and the health care epidemiology are the disciplines related to the prevention of spread of diseases in and around the health care setting. These two departments are akin towards the public health practice. Job of medial technologist and infections are important issues in both of the disciplines.
Medical technologist should be very careful about the hand hygiene, hand washing and cleaning, sterilization, vaccination and surveillance.
Medical technologist and infections created may affect hospital environment. A hospital management also plays a vital role in the infection and spread of the diseases in a particular setting.
Hand hygiene plays vital role in preventing the infection. Hospital management should provide proper and accessible hand washing facilities for the employees. Medical technologist must ensure that they wash hands and any other skin with soap and water or flush mucous membranes as soon as feasible after contact with blood or other potentially infectious materials.
A medical technologist should never forget about proper cleaning, sterilization and disinfection and sterilization after every medical test that admits contact with blood or body fluids.
Personal protective equipments play crucial role in the personal hygiene of a medical health care worker. They fight against the hazards. Hazards in medical terms mean a contact within blood, saliva and other bodily fluids.
Components of personal protective equipments of a medical technologist include gloves, goggles, gowns, shoe covers, bonnets, face shields, CPR masks,surgical masks, and respirators. These equipments help to prevent the health care worker from the infection.
How many components are used and how the components are used is often determined by regulations. These protective equipments are disposable in order to avoid the transmission of infection from one patient to another.It is also helpful in avoiding difficult or costly disinfection.
The importance of the correlation between medical technologists and infections is underlined in the United States, where great importance is given to hygiene standards in and around the laboratories. They compel for disinfection or disposal of worker's PPE before leaving the work area where chances of catching an infection are. Precautions of medical technologist and infections occurred are linked.