Many people have switched from having a colonoscopy surgery performed to laparoscopic surgery. Laparoscopic surgery is a safe and effective treatment for most patients that have symptomatic gallstones, and has become a procedure of choice for many different kinds of patients. This is more popular with people, as well as with insurance companies. Most people really enjoy the fact that they don't have any incisions when this type of surgery is performed.
After the surgery is done, the healing process is smoother, and people can leave the hospital early and return to work. However, this surgery is demanding and there are specific risks that are unique only to this type of surgery.
The More Common Risks With Colonoscopy Medical Malpractice Case
There is an increased risk that internal injuries involving the bile ducts, bowel and vascular structures can happen. Many surgeons don't want to publish their complications rate, because other people wouldn't want to do business with them. So the exact magnitude of the problem can not fully be pinpointed. There have been large studies that estimate the magnitude of the increased risks though and these are things you should be aware of.
Most of the internal injuries do result from surgeons who are inexperienced in the field of colonoscopy, and when looking at experienced surgeons, these problems only occur very minimally. When you get an inexperienced doctor who performs the surgery and causes damage that is likely to be permanent, you have a strong colonoscopy medical malpractice case.
What Is the Most Common Problem For a Strong Colonoscopy Medical Malpractice Case?
Misidentification of the anatomy is one of the most common causes of laparoscopic bile duct injury. The reason this happens is because the doctor makes a mistake and thinks the bile duct is the cystic duct. The common bile duct is clipped and divided when it shouldn't be, and the gallbladder is retracted, causing a second higher injury. This injury is devastating as this virtually removes any possibility of avoiding operative management by either endoscopic and transhepathic techniques, and everything has to be surgically reconstructed in the biliary tree to establish drainage.
If you are suffering because this has been done to you while receiving a colonoscopy, you have a strong colonoscopy medical malpractice case, and should consult with a lawyer immediately. Don't wait longer than you should, because this way you will not be turned down from any lawyers.