Ultrasound medical technologists use sound waves to capture images of internal organs and tissues for diagnosis and treatment of many different medical problems. This field of imaging is called Sonography. In the sonography many different specialized ultrasound equipments are used to take readings of appropriate areas, these images are taken in specific angles requested by physicians. Ultrasound is used for diagnose and monitor different conditions such as heart disease, pregnancy and cancer.
Unlike other imaging systems, ultrasound is completely safe for both patients and technicians. Ultrasound does not involve any kind of radiations so harmful side effect and complications are rare; so ultrasound is becoming an increasingly popular alternative to radiological procedures.
Just like other fields in medical technology, ultrasound medical technologists can specialize too. Specialty areas can be cardiovascular sonography, abdominal sonography, obstetric gynological sonography, neuro-sonography and mammography. Some Ultrasound medical technologists may be specialized in some specialty areas. For example if Ultrasound medical technologists has specialization in abdominal sonography then they inspect abdominal cavity which helps in diagnosis and treatment conditions for gallbladder, bile duct, kidneys, liver, pancreas and spleen.
Depending upon specialty area, Ultrasound medical technologists has to work in different area if technologist has done specialization in cardiovascular sonography they can be employed in hospitals, cardiology mobile unit or in some cardiologist's clinics or some other healthcare facilities.
Ultrasound or sonography can be used in many different therapeutic applications for all those fields Ultrasound medical technologists are required. Ultrasound is sometimes used to clean teeth in dental hygiene. In occupational therapies, cancer treatments and some physical therapies regional heating of biological tissues are required that can be done using Ultrasound.
Ultrasound medical technologists must organize and perform ultrasound examination as specified by physician. They must be able to identify malfunctioning of equipment, facilities. Ultrasound medical technologists must prepare and position patients for examinations and must explain them examination procedure. They must perform basic follow up care and must ensure patient's comfort.
To become Ultrasound medical technologist education and experience required is graduation from a government approved ultrasound or radiology program. There many different courses are available in Ultrasound technology with varied durations.