The need for microbial medical technologists has increased with the increasing use of microbiology in the medical research, which deals with the study of microorganisms containing bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. Theses microorganisms are capable of causing diseases in human beings. In the medical laboratory, the microbiologists are also called as microbiological medical technologists and they work in a sub department committed to parasitology. These microbiological medical technologists study like microbial pathogenesis, epidemiology and is linked with study of disease pathology and immunology. These microbiological medical technologists build up vaccines against invading organisms, noxious and unbearable diseases, like plague, polio, small pox, rabies, have been either eliminated or are more treatable now because of the efforts of scientists and researchers in the field of medical microbiology. The main work of the microbiological medical technologists is covered various categ...
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