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Showing posts from July, 2009

Medical Billing and Coding Course Online

Many of those who choose a career in the healthcare field decide to specialize in the medical billing and coding professions. It offers them a virtually limitless opportunity with doctor's and dentist's offices, hospitals, and medical practices looking for specialists in the medical billing and coding industry. Not only that, medical billing and coding are also in demand in such institutions as pharmacies, nursing homes, mental healthcare facilities, rehabilitation centers, insurance companies, health maintenance organizations (HMOs), consulting firms, and health data organizations, or even from home. The job of the medical biller and coder consists of submitting proper documentation to a number of insurance companies and federal agencies for reimbursement. This is so that their employer gets financial compensation for their services and at the same time avoids fraud charges. The medical billing and coding profession is a service based on trust. Only a select few doctors ...

Medical Technologists And Diagnosis

Medical technologists and diagnosis are related branches since the job of an MT is detection of anomalies. If you have that keen eye and interest in detection of such disease and have a great interest in medical field then you can be a medical technologist. Medical industry can not imagine medical technologist and diagnosis as separate terms. A medical technology professional can be known as a clinical laboratory scientist medical technologist will perform routine and complex tests via sophisticated instrumentation to detect diagnosis and treat diseases. Medical technologist and diagnosis share an inseparable relation. Medical technologist works in form of pharmacist, physician and scientist. Most applicable tests are diagnostic tests for the medical technologists. They do specific type of diagnosis. In that imaging is one of the instruments of diagnosis. In this technique the images of body parts are taken to identify the problem and the disease. Medical technologist and diagnos...

CT Scan medical technologists

The CT scans are the useful tests that can be done for the diagnosis of the internal tissues or the organs in the body of the patient. They enable the imaging of internal parts of the body in the three dimensional plane. The specially trained people known as the CT scan medical technologists are the people who should be referred to, for getting this job done. The job of the CT scan medical technologists includes, scanning the body of the patient with the help of the computerized tomography. While taking the images, he has to take the images as per the instructions of the doctor. For this, he has to do the necessary adjustments with the equipments and position of the body of the patient. For becoming the CT scan medical technologists, the aspirants need to have good health. This is important for doing the basic jobs to done by the CT scan medical technologists. This is so because, it is his job to manually adjust, the equipments and the position of the patient, for taking the corr...

The Insurance Cost of Medical Malpractice: Rising Out of Reach

The recent rise in the number of medical malpractice suits has directly impacted the insurance cost of medical malpractice, driving it almost out of reach for the doctors who truly need it. It is not sufficient that the insurance cost of medical malpractice is very high - in terms of providing coverage for a doctor who has already been sued and/or convicted previously, the fees almost double. The rising costs actually leave little choice for many doctors besides practicing medicine without insurance, which puts them into a very high-risk position that could cost them their license. Since they are aware that they are open to the risk of medical malpractice suits, these doctors do not to go out of their way for innovative treatments, a practice for which the patient pays. Hence, the insurance cost of medical malpractice is directly impacting the health system in the United States subtly but steadily. Why Has the Insurance Cost Of Medical Malpractice Risen So Suddenly? Looking back ...